shell ruby python javascript php


Welcome to the Omenics API! You can use our API to access data for up to 30 cryptocurrencies.

Query the latest set of data for a specific asset by passing a {ticker} argument, or optionally define a timeframe to return more than one set of data. Absence of arguments queries the latest set of data for all assets available to your plan.

We have language bindings in Shell, PHP, Python, Ruby and JavaScript. You can view code examples for several programming languages in the dark area to the right.


Omenics uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register and get your new API key on our developer portal.

The Omenics API requires the API key to be included in the header of all of your API requests like so:

Authorization: {API_KEY}


Authorization: Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2

Data for a single cryptocurrency

curl -X ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
-d $'{
  "coin" : "BTC"
// get cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set url
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
// set method
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
// return the transfer as a string
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// set headers
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
  'Authorization: Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2',
  'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8',
// send the request and save response to $response
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// stop if fails
if (!$response) {
  die('Error: "' . curl_error($ch) . '" - Code: ' . curl_errno($ch));
echo 'HTTP Status Code: ' . curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Response Body: ' . $response . PHP_EOL;
// close curl resource to free up system resources
require 'net/http'
# Request (GET )
def send_request
  uri = URI('')
  # Create client
  http =, uri.port)
  # Create Request
  req =
  # Add headers
  req.add_field "Authorization", "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2"
  # Add headers
  req.add_field "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  # Fetch Request
  res = http.request(req)
  puts "Response HTTP Status Code: #{res.code}"
  puts "Response HTTP Response Body: #{res.body}"
rescue StandardError => e
  puts "HTTP Request failed (#{e.message})"
# Install the Python Requests library:
# `pip install requests`
import requests
def send_request():
    # Request
    # GET
        response = requests.get(
                "Authorization": "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2",
                "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        print('Response HTTP Status Code: {status_code}'.format(
        print('Response HTTP Response Body: {content}'.format(
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        print('HTTP Request failed')
// Request (GET
    url: "",
    type: "GET",
    headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2",
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */

"" returns the following JSON response (Basic plan) when omitting the timeframe:

    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011

"" returns the following JSON response (Basic plan) when specifying a timeframe:

  "2019-03-01 00:00:00": {
    "timestamp": "2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011
  "2019-03-01 23:00:00": {
    "timestamp": "2019-03-01T23:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4126.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209851860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011

"" returns the following JSON response (Pro plan) when omitting the timeframe:

    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "technical_raw": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_sentiment_raw": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_sentiment_raw": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_sentiment_raw": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011,
    "popularity": 0.57381902334,
    "popularity_price_ratio": 1,
    "news_trend": 0.67090123934,
    "news_popularity": 0.99570142643,
    "twitter_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "twitter_popularity": 0.98777065401,
    "reddit_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "reddit_popularity": 0.765432109821,
    "developer_activity": 0.61334560789,
    "developer_community": 1,
    "search_engines_trend": 0.50192648253,
    "search_engines_popularity": 0.52389362110,
    "ta_moving_averages": 0.76810098701,
    "ta_oscillators": 0.78001527519,

"" returns the following JSON response (Pro plan) when specifying a timeframe:

  "2019-03-01 00:00:00": {
    "timestamp": "2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "technical_raw": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_sentiment_raw": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_sentiment_raw": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_sentiment_raw": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011,
    "popularity": 0.57381902334,
    "popularity_price_ratio": 1,
    "news_trend": 0.67090123934,
    "news_popularity": 0.99570142643,
    "twitter_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "twitter_popularity": 0.98777065401,
    "reddit_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "reddit_popularity": 0.765432109821,
    "developer_activity": 0.61334560789,
    "developer_community": 1,
    "search_engines_trend": 0.50192648253,
    "search_engines_popularity": 0.52389362110,
    "ta_moving_averages": 0.76810098701,
    "ta_oscillators": 0.78001527519
  "2019-03-01 23:00:00": {
    "timestamp": "2019-03-01T23:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4126.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "technical_raw": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_sentiment_raw": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_sentiment_raw": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_sentiment_raw": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011,
    "popularity": 0.57381902334,
    "popularity_price_ratio": 1,
    "news_trend": 0.67090123934,
    "news_popularity": 0.99570142643,
    "twitter_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "twitter_popularity": 0.98777065401,
    "reddit_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "reddit_popularity": 0.765432109821,
    "developer_activity": 0.61334560789,
    "developer_community": 1,
    "search_engines_trend": 0.50192648253,
    "search_engines_popularity": 0.52389362110,
    "ta_moving_averages": 0.76810098701,
    "ta_oscillators": 0.78001527519

This endpoint retrieves a set of metrics for a specific cryptocurrency available in your API plan. See the Nomenclature section for details

{from-date} and/or {to-date} are optional. If you specify a timeframe and therefore expect more than one set of metrics to be returned, the response will be nested where top-level keys are timestamps and values are the corresponding set of metrics. A set of metrics is a collection of scores and other data-points expressed as a flat JSON object. See sample responses on the right-hand side. Only specifying {ticker} will return the ticker's most recent set of score.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Example value Description
ticker BTC The ticker of the cryptocurrency you're requesting information for (e.g BTC for Bitcoin).
from-date 21-12-2018 (optional) Access data since or at a specific date (used on it’s own or in combination with to-date)
to-date 19-01-2019 (optional) Access data until a specific date

Data for all cryptocurrencies

curl -X ""
  -H "Authorization: EUDHEY-E7637363-8393938-3837373"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
-d $'{
// get cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set url
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
// set method
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
// return the transfer as a string
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// set headers
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
  'Authorization: Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2',
  'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8',
// send the request and save response to $response
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// stop if fails
if (!$response) {
  die('Error: "' . curl_error($ch) . '" - Code: ' . curl_errno($ch));
echo 'HTTP Status Code: ' . curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Response Body: ' . $response . PHP_EOL;
// close curl resource to free up system resources
require 'net/http'
# Request (GET )
def send_request
  uri = URI('')
  # Create client
  http =, uri.port)
  # Create Request
  req =
  # Add headers
  req.add_field "Authorization", "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2"
  # Add headers
  req.add_field "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  # Fetch Request
  res = http.request(req)
  puts "Response HTTP Status Code: #{res.code}"
  puts "Response HTTP Response Body: #{res.body}"
rescue StandardError => e
  puts "HTTP Request failed (#{e.message})"
# Install the Python Requests library:
# `pip install requests`
import requests
def send_request():
    # Request
    # GET
        response = requests.get(
                "Authorization": "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2",
                "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        print('Response HTTP Status Code: {status_code}'.format(
        print('Response HTTP Response Body: {content}'.format(
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        print('HTTP Request failed')
// Request (GET
    url: "",
    type: "GET",
    headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer 1Tk3ZjVjMDk1MGRiZjA4ODdjOTQwOThkNjE2ZmMzY2NmOPY1MDhiMzBhODA3OGI1YWI4MmZkNjkzOWJiNzIyZ2",
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */

If your Basic API plan includes BTC and ETH only, "" will return the following structure:

    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011
  "ETH": {
    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "ETH",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011

If your Pro API plan includes BTC and ETH only, "" will return the following structure:

    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "BTC",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "technical_raw": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_sentiment_raw": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_sentiment_raw": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_sentiment_raw": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011,
    "popularity": 0.57381902334,
    "popularity_price_ratio": 1,
    "news_trend": 0.67090123934,
    "news_popularity": 0.99570142643,
    "twitter_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "twitter_popularity": 0.98777065401,
    "reddit_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "reddit_popularity": 0.765432109821,
    "developer_activity": 0.61334560789,
    "developer_community": 1,
    "search_engines_trend": 0.50192648253,
    "search_engines_popularity": 0.52389362110,
    "ta_moving_averages": 0.76810098701,
    "ta_oscillators": 0.78001527519
    "timestamp": "2019-04-21T04:00:00+00:00",
    "ticker": "ETH",
    "price_usd": 4128.96,
    "market_cap_usd": 71209871860,
    "volume_usd": 9101654235,
    "overall_score": 7.25360,
    "fundamental": 8.71034,
    "technical": 7.75621,
    "technical_raw": 7.75621,
    "news_sentiment": 6.10119,
    "news_sentiment_raw": 6.10119,
    "news_volume": 1072,
    "twitter_sentiment": 6.75134,
    "twitter_sentiment_raw": 6.75134,
    "twitter_volume": 5765,
    "reddit_sentiment": 5.76544,
    "reddit_sentiment_raw": 5.76544,
    "reddit_volume": 8764,
    "buzz": 5.12011,
    "buzz_raw": 5.12011,
    "popularity": 0.57381902334,
    "popularity_price_ratio": 1,
    "news_trend": 0.67090123934,
    "news_popularity": 0.99570142643,
    "twitter_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "twitter_popularity": 0.98777065401,
    "reddit_trend": 0.40230290654,
    "reddit_popularity": 0.765432109821,
    "developer_activity": 0.61334560789,
    "developer_community": 1,
    "search_engines_trend": 0.50192648253,
    "search_engines_popularity": 0.52389362110,
    "ta_moving_averages": 0.76810098701,
    "ta_oscillators": 0.78001527519

This endpoint retrieves all the latest scores and data for every cryptocurrency available in your API plan. This query doesn't accept any argument.

HTTP Request



Parameter API Description
timestamp Basic & Pro The date & time.
price_usd Basic & Pro Price in USD at the time of the timestamp.
market_cap_usd Basic & Pro Market Cap in USD at the time of the timestamp.
volume_usd Basic & Pro Volume transacted in the 24h period prior to the timestamp.
overall_score Basic & Pro Mean of social (Reddit and Twitter), news, fundamental and technical scores.
fundamental Basic & Pro Fundamental analysis score based on developer activity, community strength, popularity and valuation based on market and blockchain indices (e.g. market volume to price ratio). Range is [0.0, 10.0], where 10.0 is a coin with very strong fundamentals and 0.0 very weak fundamentals.
technical Basic & Pro Technical analysis score based on oscillators and moving averages buy/sell signals. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 represents a very strong buy signal and 0.0 a very strong sell signal.
technical_raw Pro Technical analysis score based on oscillators and moving averages buy/sell signals. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 represents a very strong buy signal and 0.0 a very strong sell signal. This is the unfiltered version of "technical", that is more responsive but more noisy.
news_sentiment Basic & Pro Average sentiment from news articles in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 10.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 10.0 is very positive.
news_sentiment_raw Pro Average sentiment from news articles in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 1.0 is very positive. This is the unfiltered version of "news_sentiment" that is more responsive but also more noisy.
news_volume Basic & Pro Number of news articles from our hand-curated list of sources that were posted in the last 24h.
twitter_sentiment Basic & Pro Average sentiment from tweets in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 1.0 is very positive.
twitter_sentiment_raw Pro Average sentiment from tweets in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 10.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 10.0 is very positive. This is the unfiltered version of "twitter_sentiment" that is more responsive but also more noisy.
twitter_volume Basic & Pro Number of tweets in the last 24h from our hand-curated list of accounts.
reddit_sentiment Basic Average sentiment from Reddit posts and messages in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 10.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 10.0 is very positive.
reddit_sentiment_raw Pro Average sentiment from Reddit posts and messages in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 is very negative and 1.0 is very positive. This is the unfiltered version of "reddit_sentiment" that is more responsive but also more noisy.
reddit_volume Basic & Pro Number of Reddit posts and messages in the last 24h.
buzz Basic & Pro Average trend based on activity on Twitter, Reddit, news websites and search engines. Range is [0.0, 10.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 a usual amount of activity and 10.0 a very unusual amount of activity.
buzz_raw Pro Average trend based on activity on Twitter, Reddit, news websites and search engines. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 a usual amount of activity and 1.0 a very unusual amount of activity. This is the unfiltered version of "twitter_sentiment" that is more responsive but also more noisy.
popularity Pro Overall long term popularity based on Twitter, Reddit, news websites and search engines data. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 is very popular and 0.0 is very unpopular. Popularity is relative to currently tracked coins.
popularity_price_ratio Pro Popularity (see "popularity" metric description) to market cap ratio. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The coin with the best popularity to market cap ratio will have a value of 1.0.
news_trend Pro Trend captured by the number of articles, shares, comments and reactions in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 a usual amount of activity and 1.0 a very unusual amount of activity.
news_popularity Pro Long term popularity compared to other coins captured by the amount of articles, shares, comments and reactions. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The most popular coin will have a value of 1.0.
twitter_trend Pro Trend captured by the number of tweets, mentions, likes and retweets in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 a usual amount of activity and 1.0 a very unusual amount of activity.
twitter_popularity Pro Long term popularity compared to other coins captured by the amount of tweets, mentions, likes and retweets. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The most popular coin will have a value of 1.0.
reddit_trend Pro Trend captured by the number of posts, comments and subscribers in the last 24h. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 a usual amount of activity and 1.0 a very unusual amount of activity.
reddit_popularity Pro Long term popularity compared to other coins captured by the amount of posts, comments and subscribers. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The most popular coin will have a value of 1.0.
developer_activity Pro Weekly commit rate on Git repositories compared to other coins. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The coin with the highest commit rate will have a value of 1.0.
developer_community Pro Developer community size compared to other coins. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The coin with the highest number of contributors, watchers, stargazers and forks will have a value of 1.0.
search_engines_trend Pro Trend captured by shifts in Google trends, Bing search and Alexa ranks. Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 represents no activity, 0.5 or a usual amount of activity and 1.0 a very unusual amount of activity.
search_engines_popularity Pro Long term popularity compared to other coins based on Google trends, Bing search and Alexa ranks. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. The most popular coin will have a value of 1.0.
ta_oscillators Pro Market price technical analysis score based on oscillators (e.g. RSI). Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 represent a very strong buy signal and 0.0 a very strong sell signal.
ta_moving_averages Pro Market price technical analysis score based on moving averages (e.g. 200-day exponential moving average). Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 represents a very strong buy signal and 0.0 a very strong sell signal.
ta_oscillators Pro Market price technical analysis score based on oscillators (e.g. RSI). Range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1.0 represent a very strong buy signal and 0.0 a very strong sell signal.


The Omenics API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Invalid request
401 Unauthorized -- Invalid API key
403 Forbidden -- Only available for the Pro API
404 Not Found -- The specified method could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a method (GET) with an invalid method (e.g. POST)
406 Not Acceptable -- Request must be in JSON format
410 Gone -- This request’s functionality has been removed
429 Too Many Requests -- Too many requests! Please slow down
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Please try again later
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later


The Omenics API is continuously updated to enhance the quality of our indicators:

V1.0.3 (06/02/2019)

V1.0.2 (05/15/2019)

V1.0.1 (04/21/2019)

V1 (04/01/2019)